September 12, 2020
Annotated Bibliography on Challenges of Education
September 12, 2020

Message from the President

Message from the President

Dear colleagues, students,

Alumni and Trustees,

In 2014, Duke University began a comprehensive effort to lay down its goals for the next five years and to reaffirm both its mission and vision. These tires efforts have helped us to come up with this 2014-2017strategic plan.When I became the 7thpresident of Duke University, I realized that the then strategic plan was excellent in moving the university to greater heights in terms of both academic excellence and research. While these basic principals have helped the institutionsoar to greater heights and continue to be relevant, it was the time for the universityto strengthen its strategic plans to seeing the institution exceleven further.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who dedicated their time to seeing the completion of the entire process. I look forward to your continued unconditional support as we strive to accomplish our goals.




Executive summary

Beginning the spring of 2014, Duke University hasOver this period, all the stakeholders involved evaluated their strengths and weaknesses, provided remedial measures to enhance their performance and identified the resources and the infrastructure necessary for success. The university has ensured that we incorporate both the management and incentives processes to utilize the current resources that we haveoptimally. Duke’s unique advantage positions us for leadership.

The strategic plan relies on the accomplishment of our previous plansuccessful implementation of the student-oriented program in Science, Marine and Graphic design and the successful replacement of the outdated students information database with a more efficient system.


Our learning process has focused on continuing to advance the distinctive identity of the Duke to be at the forefront in research oriented fields. We have noticed a tremendous advancement, since 1838 when Union Institute & James B Dukes were formed to the formation of Trinity College in 1924, from where Duke University was created.Over time, we have developed in line with our founding core values of student advancement.

History of the University

The university started back in 1838 whenIn 1924, the Institute was transformed into a college, called Trinity College. This college is what is today called the Duke University.

Appointment and charge to the committee

The strategic planning committee will present the completed work to the board of trustees in December 2014. This process will also involve staff, students and alumni to give their views. I charge us to remain focused on our major goals.

Vision Statement

Duke University sets to be the premier institution of higher learning, providing affordable academic programs of exceptional caliber.

Mission Statement

To provide superior education to undergraduate students to, nurture them intellectually in preparation for committed, ethical and participatory and leadership oriented adult life.

Core values

Duke University is guided by the commitment to excellence. Specifically, the university strives to maintain: Accountability, Diversity, Excellence and holistic education.

Academic goals

By taking into consideration the proposals brought forth by all the stakeholders involved, the following six academic goals were incorporated in the strategic plan:

Goal 1: to increase the capacity of the university in developing and communicating both disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge

Goal 2: To enhance the university by fully participating in the real world matters

Goal 3: to attract the best students, both professional and Graduate and to fully involve them in the creation and after that transmission of knowledge.

Goal 4: To build the undergraduate students desire to learn, so as to foster their commitment to influencing the world positively

Goal 5: To transform the arts in Duke- this is the Dukes Backbone

Goal 6:

Planning sections for campus and virtual campus

The University believes that investment in campus will go a long way in creating a conducive student’s environment. The targeted campuses will be the Central, East, and the West campuses. Furthermore, following the University’s goal of building on excellence, the university is targeting to complete Bostock Library, the Fitzpatrick Centre for Engineering, and the School of Medicine’s complex.To complete the above tasks approximately $551million has been budgeted for (“Strategic Plan 2006: Making a Difference | Office of the Provost,” 2006). The above investment will be geared towards the following overall projects:

  1. Renovate central campus to make it a vibrant intellectual community
  2. Renovate the student’s residences in the west campus facilities
  • Renovate the East Campus facilities which is the Centre for academic programs and Arts

Planning sections for campus and virtual campus (technology)

Duke will create an environment where technology is utilized in line with the growing world. Specifically, the major areas that will be addressed are the use of technology in teaching and learning, online course management and distribuservices, open lab technology and support and the use of software licensing and management.


Our assessment strategies are built on our principal of building g on excellence. The board is our major player in the process of assessment and hence regular discussions with the board are critical. We will provide adetailed biannual assessment to be discussed with the board in spring of 2016 and the spring of 2018. Detailed reports on the source and utilization of funds will be processedat least once per year. The board of trustees will also approve the annual budget allocationsthrough the laid down board processes.

We also expect the outlined investment strategies to advance the university’s ambitions, and hence we will keep on incorporating our ongoing institutional health and progress in our assessment of the plan. Assessment operates at multiple levels, starting from thestudents’ course evaluations to the broad institutional accreditation. Several of these existing mechanisms of assessment will play a major role in assessing the progress of the institution as we strive to achieve institutional improvement as depicted by our co good number of them.

Significantly, the universities self-studyand external review for accreditation conferment that occurs every ten yearsAssociation of Colleges and Schools.(“Duke University – World University Rankings – 2014-15 – Times Higher Education,” 2014).


Duke University – World University Rankings – 2014-15 – Times Higher Education. (2014). Retrieved from

Strategic Plan 2006: Making a Difference | Office of the Provost. (2006). Retrieved from

Hinton, K. E. (2012). A practical guide to strategic planning in higher education.