Conscience awakens us to values and challenges that may even move some to act like Huck Finn and break the law for a friend or to challenge convention
July 15, 2020
July 15, 2020

Memoir Essay

Memoir Essay (due July 3rd)

For your first essay, you will write a memoir based on any particular incident/incidents in your life. Select incidents that have left a lasting impression on your mind and which you feel comfortable exploring through this creative process. You should work with the notion of double consciousness, that is, you should be a participant in the event (or at least be affected by it in some way) as well as the reporter and analyst of it. You will also attach a 1 page reflective letter to the paper where you talk me through your writing process. For instance, before you begin, ask yourself the following questions:  1) Who is my audience? 2) What is the purpose of writing this essay? 3) What are some of the main ideas I am trying to convey here? 4) Why am I choosing these specific personal experiences and not others? etc. After you finish, ask yourself if you have met your goals. Did you accomplish what you set out to do? Once you began writing, did that take on a life of its own? What do you think are the strong points of the essay? How did the peer review help you? etc. In other words, I want you to not only write the essay, but also reflect closely on the writing process.

All essays should be 3-4 pages in length, double spaced, in a 12 point font with 1-inch margins. Please type your name, the course number and the assignment number (Essay # 1) on the upper corner of the first page only.

Peer Review:
You will submit a draft of your essay to the peer review group by June 27th and your peers will have a chance to comment on your essay before you make the final revisions.

: I will grade all essays on the following criterion:

Clear sense of purpose/ (In other words, your essay must have one specific idea)

Overall success of your written expression (clarity, originality, style, attention to detail)

Organization (The essay is logical, coherent and the paragraphs follow each other in a plausible pattern)


ENGL 1110-921


Summer 2014


Memoir Essay (due July 3rd)

For your first essay, you will write a memoir based on any particular incident/incidents in your life. Select incidents that have left a lasting impression on your mind and which you feel comfortable exploring through this creative process. You should work with the notion of double consciousness, that is, you should be a participant in the event (or at least be affected by it in some way) as well as the reporter and analyst of it. You will also attach a 1 page reflective letter to the paper where you talk me through your writing process. For instance, before you begin, ask yourself the following questions:  1) Who is my audience? 2) What is the purpose of writing this essay? 3) What are some of the main ideas I am trying to convey here? 4) Why am I choosing these specific personal experiences and not others? etc. After you finish, ask yourself if you have met your goals. Did you accomplish what you set out to do? Once you began writing, did that take on a life of its own? What do you think are the strong points of the essay? How did the peer review help you? etc. In other words, I want you to not only write the essay, but also reflect closely on the writing process.

All essays should be 3-4 pages in length, double spaced, in a 12 point font with 1-inch margins. Please type your name, the course number and the assignment number (Essay # 1) on the upper corner of the first page only.

Peer Review:
You will submit a draft of your essay to the peer review group by June 27th and your peers will have a chance to comment on your essay before you make the final revisions.

: I will grade all essays on the following criterion:

Clear sense of purpose/ (In other words, your essay must have one specific idea)

Overall success of your written expression (clarity, originality, style, attention to detail)

Organization (The essay is logical, coherent and the paragraphs follow each other in a plausible pattern)
