Memo outlining what you have done as the network administrator to protect the network against such attacks, as well as additional measures to secure t

Research Sources
July 10, 2020
Research for this problem, using Westlaw
July 11, 2020

Memo outlining what you have done as the network administrator to protect the network against such attacks, as well as additional measures to secure t

Part A

Over the past several years, the chief executive officer (CEO) of your company has read articles on

Internet control message protocol (ICMP) attacks and the use of packet sniffers to aid in hacking into

computer networks. Though the CEO understands that this is a serious concern, he does not know

what, if anything, is being done to protect the organization’s network against such attacks.

Prepare a 3-4-page memo outlining what you have done as the network administrator to

protect the network against such attacks, as well as additional measures to secure the network against worms, viruses, DoS attacks, spyware, and other such network intrusions that can disrupt the day-to-day business activities.

Include in class brief presentation about the project (12% of the grade)

Part B

As the network administrator, you have been given the task of preparing a presentation for the

stakeholders of a new project that will involve the creation of a new e-commerce Web site.

Using the library, the Internet, and any other materials, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that

outlines the following items:

• Slides 1–2:

How users will be tracked when they use the site for marketing and site design purposes.

• Slides 3–4:

â—¦ The methods that will be used to defend against client-side attacks.

• Slides 4–6:

The protocols and techniques that will be used to provide and secure online transactions.


Proper presentation design techniques must be used, as well as notes on each slide to expand on

what will be covered during the live presentation.

Include in class brief presentation about the project (20% of the grade)