Critical thinking/ Conflicting Viewpoints Essay
October 8, 2020
Business Report
October 8, 2020

Meeting Minutes

Topic: Meeting Minutes

Order Description
Meeting Minutes

The purpose of this assignment is to record the minutes of a TED Talk ( of your choice. Minutes officially record the talking points of the meeting. Applicable topics include: business, design, technology, communication, decision-making, innovation, leadership, marketing, product design, and social media. Using a TED Talk outside of this topic list requires preapproval. Ideally you will select a talk that is applicable to your proposal, however this is not required.

•Minutes (do not use the transcripts that accompany the talk)
•Introductory content: Title of talk, name of presenter, date, and location.
•Body with subheadings: Organize by the main points of the talk.

•Email cover letter (see pp. 291-292)
•Submit an “email” to the assignment link: Write out your email cover letter following workplace conventions and type it into the textbox for the assignment link.
•Attach the meeting minutes assignment as a formal attachment to the “email.”

· 1 page maximum (does not include email cover letter)

· Single-spaced

· Times New Roman, 12 pt. font

· 1 inch margins

Optional: Download a meeting minutes template using Microsoft Word (file –> new –> search templates: “Minutes”)

Use the Meeting Minutes Rubric to guide your work.