How do you interpret our course title, Information Sources and Services in the Media Center? Now that you?ve
been through the entire textbook (or almost) and have had a number of reference-type experiences, consider
where you?ve come from and where you are now regarding information sources and services as they relate to
school library media centers.
1. Take some time to think about the topics covered this term as well as the activities and projects
2. Consider the following questions:
a. How does your knowledge gained contribute to your place in the school community?
b. What have you learned about information sources and services?
c. What has been most helpful in preparing you for your current or future place in the media center?
d. What, in your opinion, is still missing in that preparation?
e. What opportunities do you see regarding information sources and services?
f. What challenges to you foresee in school library reference services?
g. What you do as a school media specialist has value. How does this course content assist you in
demonstrating that value?