Measuring the Determinants of Capital Adequacy Requirement and its Impact on Operating Efficiency in Banking Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Banks.
Paper details:
Could you please write as follows:
1- Introduction
2- Research philosophy
2- Research Methodology
4- Research Design
5- Research Strategy
6- Research Methods for Data Collection and Analysis
7- Aspect of Empirical Modelling
7-1.Econometric Modelling
7-2.Sample selection process
7-3.The sources and characteristics of the sample data
7-4.Definitions and measurements of the dependent and independent variables
7-5. Econometric procedures for data analysis
7-5.1.The econometrics package
7.5.2. The statistical Examination of the data validation
7.5.3. Regression Analysis methods
7.5.4. Sensitivity a test for assessing the empirical results
8. Limitation and Difficulties