The Devil Kno
May 18, 2020
Neil Postman, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology.
May 18, 2020


In preparation for Discussion 7, please read Chapter 8 that focuses on Measurement. According to Phillips and Gully (2012), measurement is the process of assigning numbers according to some rule or convention to aspects of people, jobs, job success, or aspects of the staffing system (pg . 199). Recruiters and individuals involved in any selection committee (hiring and/or promotion) -must recognize that measurement is one of the most important factors to consider when creating an effective assessment(s) for a selection system within their organization.
The measurement process usually begins by completing a thorough job analysis for a particular position. (refer to Ch 4). After understanding the requirements of job success and identification of important KSAO’s and competencies required of the position, the next step involves identifying reliable and valid methods of measuring these KSAO’s and competencies. According to the EEOC€¦ Employers often use tests and other selection procedures to screen applicants for hire and employees for promotion€¦.. Examples of employment tests and other selection procedures, many of which can be administered online, include the following:
*Cognitive tests assess reasoning, memory, perceptual speed and accuracy, and skills in arithmetic and reading comprehension, as well as knowledge of a particular function or job;
*Physical ability tests measure the physical ability to perform a particular task or the strength of specific muscle groups, as well as strength and stamina in general;
*Sample job tasks (e.g., performance tests, simulations, work samples, and realistic job previews) assess performance and aptitude on particular tasks;
*Medical inquiries and physical examinations, including psychological tests, assess physical or mental health;
*Personality tests and integrity tests assess the degree to which a person has certain traits or dispositions (e.g., dependability, cooperativeness, safety) or aim to predict the likelihood that a person will engage in certain conduct (e.g., theft, absenteeism);
*Criminal background checks provide information on arrest and conviction history;
*Credit checks provide information on credit and financial history;
*Performance appraisals reflect a supervisor’s assessment of an individual’s performance; and
*English proficiency tests determine English fluency.
The use of tests and other selection procedures can be a very effective means of determining which applicants or employees are most qualified for a particular job. However, use of these tools can violate the federal anti-discrimination laws if an employer intentionally uses them to discriminate based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or age (40 or older). Use of tests and other selection procedures can also violate the federal anti-discrimination laws if they disproportionately exclude people in a particular group by race, sex, or another covered basis, unless the employer can justify the test or procedure under the law. (EEOC, 2014)
Discussion Instructions:
For this week’s discussion, we will begin by exploring a very controversial Supreme Court case €“ Ricci v. DeStefano. In this case, the City of New Haven Connecticut paid an independent, nationally recognized, outside Fire Service Promotional Exam Consulting Company (IOS Solutions, Inc.) to develop a written and oral assessment that would be used in the selection of qualified internal firefighters to the rank of either a Fire Captain or Lieutenant. The New Haven Fire Department provided internal applicants with study guides and additional resources to help firefighting employees prepare for the promotional exam. A number of internal applicants sat for the exam. Upon review of the exam results, the City of New Haven noted very few minorities had past the promotional exams and refused to certify the results according to the City’s Civil Service Rules regarding Eligibility Lists and Appointment Procedure (see pg. 14 of attached policy) and refused to promote candidates that scored the highest based on their cumulative test score results. Twenty individuals who were passed over for promotion filed a lawsuit against the New Haven Fire Department (access the following video to view case highlights:
Discussion Questions:
Based on your additional research surrounding the Ricci v. DeStefano case decide whether or not the assessment procedure used in the promotion process was fair based on the various stakeholder groups involved. If not, identify which specific type of violation(s) occurred (see Ch. 7). Be sure to include specific links or attachments that support your position. Also be sure to describe what, if any, steps the New Haven Human Resource Department or IOS solutions took, or should have taken, to ensure the assessment procedures were valid and reliable.
City of New Haven 2004 Hearings Regarding Captain and Lieutenant Promotions. Accessed from

City of New York Fire Department (2014). Test Preparation Manual. Accessed from

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2014). Accessed from

IOS Solutions, Inc. (2014). Fire Service Supervisor Examinations. Accessed from

IOS Solutions, Inc. (2014). Introduction video. Accessed from

New Haven Connecticut Human Resource Department. (2013). Firefighter Recruitment €“ Application Packet. Accessed from

New Haven 20 (2014). Case Summary. The New Haven 20. What our case is about. Accessed from

U.S. District Court Proceedings. New Haven Firefighters Local 825 v. City of New Haven, John Destegano.. Civil No. 3:04cv1169 (MRK). Accessed from

Porter’s ideas on national competitive advantage

1. Do Porter’s ideas on national competitive advantage adequately explain the means by which specific nations have achieved economic success? €” 750 words

i.     Introduction. Suggest answer to the question and outline how to validate your suggested answer by clarifying the analytical structure

ii.     Key Questions. Simply: this is not just a question about Porter. If you are thinking of outlining Porter and little else, please think again. Very briefly state what the concepts of national competitiveness and the diamond entail, which is naturally connected to the work of Porter. But the question is asking you to focus on critique. Therefore, what are the key issues, debates and problems with the ideas about the Competitive Advantage of Nations and the national diamond? The second half of this synergic question suggests you employ other ideas and a lot of evidence within an analytical structure.

iii.     National competitiveness is not a theory but a check list that is a tautology. I.e. If you do certain economic activities well, you will do well economically. Or German chemical companies succeed because of Germany’s R&D base. But where did this base come from? Do they just appear in the diamond or do we have a theory of how differing factor and demand conditions arise?
iv.     Is there a lack of the historical dimension, supplied in part by Late Development Theory? How might this add to missing dimensions in Porter?

v.     Why does Porter downplay the role of the state, given the historical importance of the developmental state in industrialisation and improving national competitiveness?

vi.     Are factor and demand conditions purely national in their creation? Note Canada or Hong Kong, plus the role of the international economy and global webs (see Reich). How do we account for ideas about globalisation?

vii.     Conclusion

2. Does Porter’s €˜Diamond’ concept convincingly explain the achievements of major national business systems, or are their weaknesses, theoretically and empirically, in his arguments?
€” 750 words
When answering the questions be sure to use:

€¢    Comparisons across nations ( UK, US, Germany, Japan and China €“ and whenever necessary, use other nations such as Brazil, India, Russia and South Korea), industries (choose at least two industries with relevant examples), companies and business functions;

€¢    Analysis of the relationship between business systems and national economic performance;

€¢    Insight into both long-term and contemporary trends.

€¢    Answer each question with reference to at least two countries (see above), but preferably more, even if only one country is cited in the question.

€¢    A proper balance between theory and evidence and the relevant use of national, industry or corporate examples in each answer is a must in order to answer the question.



ID : ZATM311
PW : Sexykimm0520

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