What errors did the team members make? How could they have improved on their problem-solving process
July 5, 2020
Planning an IT Infrastructure Audit for Compliance 
July 5, 2020

McNeil Museum

Read the McNeil Museum of Art Case Study on pages 579-588 in our textbook, and answer the questions below in a

power-point format. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material. All sources used, including the

textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

You are expected to include a title slide at the start of your presentation, and a final slide listing your sources. All sources

used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations

using APA format.

1. What is the McNeil Museum of Art, and what is its image in the community?

2. What are the possible sources for strategic change for the McNeil Museum of Art?

MBA 5841, Strategic Marketing 4

3. How would you describe the overall performance of the McNeil Museum of Art?

4. What can be done to improve the auxiliary activities of the museum?

5. Discuss the possible operations control issues that McNeil Museum of Art may have.

6. What recommendations should Ms. Mercer and Mr. Pate make to the McNeil Board of Trustees based on

marketing control considerations?