Maximizing Internet Marketing Opportunities
September 10, 2020
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September 10, 2020

Maximizing Internet Marketing Opportunities

Allegra Marketing. (n.d). Web Marketing: 5 ways to maximize your online strategies. Retrieved online from

This article by Allegra Marketing Services aims at outlining some effective ways of maximizing the marketing opportunities through the internet. The article advises on making the maximum use of the domain name of the site, making use of the research engine optimization, engaging the visitors who visit the site, publicizing the site that one is using on the available directories, and the consideration of Pay-per-click online marketing. The article also advises on how to be effective on social media marketing. The article is rich in content and is very recommendable for the subject.

Web Design Library. (2013). How to internet marketing to maximize your business sales. Retrieved online from

This article by Web Design Library aims at advising on how to use the opportunity of internet marketing to maximize the business sales. The article advises on how to design a captivating website, hoe to ensure that security is maintained, and lastly how to advertise through the designed website. In addition, the article advises on how to effectively make use of social media, and the use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) articles.

Avlonitis, J.G. & Despina, A.K. (2000). The impact of internet use on business to business marketing: Examples from American and European companies. Industrial Marketing Management, 29: 441-459.

The article focuses on the importance of using internet marketing when focusing a business entity. The authors aimed at establishing whether using the internet marketing between businesses impacted positively. They sampled 130 companies in the Americas and Europe. They found that internet marketing between businesses had a positive effect. They also found out that performance on sales and efficiency in marketing was realized owing to internet marketing. The research also established that there is a direct positive effect if the sales force implements internet marketing as per the guidelines. The source is rich in content and is very recommendable for students of the subject.

Craig, S.B. & Doris, C.V. (1998). Value added marketing in the digital domain: enhancing the utility of the internet. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 15 (6): 558-575

This article provides details on the tactics on maximizing the opportunities in using internet marketing in a business organization. The study focused on the design of a homepage of a company and its efficiency in internet marketing. The authors studied more than fifty homepages to draw conclusions. The authors found that the companies that use the best suited techniques reach a big number of customers through the internet.

Dennis, A.P. & Danielle, F. (2005). Internet community forums: an untapped resource for consumer marketers. Journal of consumer marketers, 22 (5): 265-274

The article aimed at exploring a potential, effective area of marketing, internet marketing, that has not been utilized, yet it provides very many opportunities to increase sales volumes. The authors reviewed available literature on the subject that was published between the years of 1993 to 2004. They found out that there is a direct benefit for a firm when it concentrates on usage of the opportunities available in the internet. In lieu of this, the authors provide tactics that consumer marketers can use to maximize marketing opportunities in the internet.

Arnold, J., Lurie, I., Dickcnson, M., Marsten, E., & Becker, M. (2009). Web marketing: all in one for dummies. New York, NY: John Willy and Sons.

This book about web marketing explains most of the techniques that can be used to make maximum use of the internet marketing opportunities. The book is 936 pages with much content about internet marketing. It has details on topics such as establishing and maintaining effective web pages, mobile marketing, advertising online, and social media marketing among the many others. It is a very detailed book full in content about the subject.