marketing report about Argos get access to Chinese market”

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July 1, 2020
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July 1, 2020

marketing report about Argos get access to Chinese market”

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:


Evaluate the effects of changes in the business environment on an enterprise.


Appraise the suitability of resources and capabilities of a business enterprise to achieve business objectives.


Formulate a marketing-led business development plan.

Assessment Details:

You and your team are to research and deliver a project/product on business expansion, seeking new markets from the UK to any International market. By evaluating and justifying why a particular market was chosen, what will contribute to success in the longer term. A Project/product and a Marketing Plan structure are recommended.

The Project will explore the business environment through secondary research, examine the enterprise’s resources and capabilities and recommend initial resource development.  The Plan will analyse the business environment and the resources, derive quantified marketing objectives and recommend an International Marketing Strategy for the enterprise to exploit both the business’s environment and its resources.

The business’s environmental considerations should include the future global, macro, business considerations as well as the, more micro, aspects of defined markets’ & segments’ quantified size & value, alliances and competitors, particularly highlighting changes as major sources of commercial advantage.  The internal considerations should include the managerial capabilities to exploit the resources, identifying core competences and the development of sustainable competitive advantage, both for the enterprise and its existing/new product.

An assessed, 20 minuteteam presentation
will be presented to your tutors and peers on your initial findings and development plan. This must include: A brief introduction to the project/product and your chosen International market, external and internal influences, analysis and conclusions, objectives and strategies for international development.

You are then required to produce an individual written market-led business development plan encompassing your research and findings.
The report will not exceed 3,000 words, excluding appendices.

Assessment Criteria:

Enter a description of the assessment criteria or where the assessment criteria can be found

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