Ethical Standards Academic Essay
August 14, 2020
Professional studies Academic Essay
August 14, 2020


1.Describe your company and its product in terms of its marketability.

2.Determine the key strengths and weaknesses of your company, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces within its industry.

3.Explain the marketing objectives of your company that are based on the findings of your secondary market research. Your marketing objectives should, at a minimum, address potential customer profile and market segmentation. Explain the manner in which you conducted your secondary market research.

4.Outline the marketing goals in terms of the target market you selected, and describe the manner in which you would use marketing mix to reach that target market.

5.Describe the key method(s) that the company will use to implement the marketing mix that you have developed.

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Posted on May 27, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions