Religion books
May 19, 2020
Test and Measurement
May 19, 2020

Managing Quality (OL)

Managing Quality (OL)

1.    Who is W. Edward Deming and what has been his contribution to Quality Management?

2.    Who is Joseph M. Juran and what has been his contribution to Quality Management?

3.    Who is Vilfredo Pareto and what has been his contribution to Quality Management?

4.    What is the Total Quality Approach?

5.    What is Strategic Management and why does it require a Strategic Plan?

6.    What are the parts of developing a Strategic Plan and the purpose of each?

7.    There are 3 Competitive strategies. Define and give an example of each.

8.    Explain the Basic Steps to Facilitate Change relating it to your own real world experiences. Each step can relate to different experiences and if you are lacking in applicable experiences please make them up to demonstrate your understanding of the principle.