Managing International Business Operations

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July 14, 2020

Managing International Business Operations

Section 3: Managing International Business Operations

The remaining activities are designed as practical applications of international strategic management and market entry as well as the leadership of local staff. These activities lend themselves to, and should incorporate consideration of, the use of previously covered material in order to increase the learning benefit.

Required Reading:

Please refer to each Activity for required readings within Activity Resources.

Assignment 8   Signature Assignment: Challenges of the International Negotiation and Decision-Making Process

Tessmann-Keys and Wellins (as cited in Torres, 2011) suggested that ever since Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant, led his envoy to Cathay, now China, to engage in discussions with the grandson of Ghenghis Khan, Kublai Khan, global business has become a major factor of globalization. Since then globalization and technological advances has changed the nature of how people do business. Today, no organization or country is immune to some exposures from different countries, cultures and diversity. Furthermore, all individuals and organizations must negotiate.

Furthermore, differences in cultures, socio-economic and political perspectives demand differences in the approach to how people negotiate. These differences include cultures, cultural dimensions, cultural dynamics, country-specific culture and philosophies, global influences, consequences of cultural global influences, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligences, differences in communication principles, and negotiation styles in international business; which further includes differences in negotiation tactics, conflict management styles, negotiation processes and strategies, reciprocity, and so on.

To this end, effective and successful negotiations are largely dependent on understanding the other negotiating party’s characteristics and approach. And in international negotiations understanding the other party’s culture is an even more challenging task, (Huang & Van De Vliert, as cited in Torres, 2011).

For this assignment, please consider that negotiation is an important step in international business. Although both international and domestic negotiations should try to achieve a win-win situation, there are some differences between the two. Discuss how international negotiation is different from domestic negotiation. What are some specific points managers must keep in mind when negotiating with people from different cultures? Cite real life examples to support your points. This assignment is in 2 parts a summary and PowerPoint presentation.

Activity Resources:

Spotlight on Skills: Developing a Power Point Presentation 

In this activity you will prepare a Power Point Presentation. For help in using this tool, review this PowerPoint Tutorial.

Main Task Part 1: Analyze and Evaluate the Challenges of the International Negotiation and Decision-Making Process 

Conduct scholarly research and present a narrative paper that discusses the following:

1. Discuss how international negotiation is different from domestic negotiation.

2. What are some specific points managers must keep in mind when negotiating with people from different cultures?

3. Cite real life examples to support your points.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Submit your document in the Course Work area below the Activity screen.

Main Task Part 2: Analyze and Critique Critical Factors

Create a presentation that analyzes and critiques the critical factors considered in the above research paper.

Support your conclusions with references from a minimum of seven (7) journal articles or publications. Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Create a PowerPoint slide set or MS MovieMaker project creating presentation. Think about who your target audience is and how your topic affects them.

The required length of the PowerPoint Presentation option for this assignment is 15-20 slides (with a separate reference slide). Your presentation MUST include notes containing 150-200 words per slide (this is your script). Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style.

Save the file as a PPT file with the correct course code information in the name. Upload the completed assignment in the Course work area of the Activity.

The required length of the Video option for this assignment is 7-10 minutes. The video file must be saved in a .wmv format and be less than 8 MB is size. If you do not have video software or are unable to create a video please choose the PowerPoint option.

Learning Outcomes: 3, 4, 5

Save your signature assignment in your e-Portfolio. Also save a copy of your signature assignment to your e-Portfolio which is located on your Learner Home Page under the My NCU Information area.

The e-Portfolio is your personal storage place for artifacts or learning products you produce in this and future Northcentral courses. Collecting your learning products allows you to see your progress as an academic student throughout your Northcentral University career.

Assignment Outcomes

Interpret cultures and the different management styles followed around the world.

Analyze the nuances of cross-cultural communication in a multi-cultural environment.

Compare and contrast the negotiation and decision-making processes in today’s global businesses.

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