Business Ethics and Sustainability Academic Essay
August 21, 2020
Role of Non-Government Sector & Child Protection Work Academic Essay
August 21, 2020

Management of projects

Management of projects
Assignment consist of 2 tasks, one report and one 20 minute presentation.
In task one, the M3 grade descriptor must be met.
In task 2, the presentation must also come with a simulated plan for the dates of (03/03/16) – )17/03/16) e.g. gant chart which show that the presentation from planned out from initial research to final check. The information on the gant chart should reflect the processes of creating a presentation project. More information is within the assignment sheet.
Presentation should be drafted expanding on the points that should be covered.
If there is any confusion or the writer believes the assignment should be done differently to the way I have described, please inform me ASAP and we can adjust the invoice price accordingly especially for the presentation.