Operation management
May 21, 2020
Organizational Values Presentation
May 21, 2020



Topic of choice but must be related to textbook material [ Business Driven Information Systems (3rd Canadian Edition) http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0070890900/student_view0/index.html ] Introduction section should explain rationale for topic choice Discussion section should explain learning outcomes Minimum five references excluding the book, Maxim two URL references Wikipedia or similar sites not acceptable Also, note that internet-based and other research must be referenced in footnotes and bibliographies of your paper. Direct quotation from any source €” print or electronic €” should not comprise more than 15% of the text of your paper and must be footnoted and sourced. Papers exceeding the 15% guideline will receive a mark of zero. Cutting and pasting without attribution is academically dishonest and is called plagiarism, and can result in you failing both the paper and the course, as well as other academic penalties in extreme cases. Paper Requirements (Value 20 points) 1200 €“ 1500 words (excluding bibliography) APA format Title page with student ID Double space Topic of choice but must be related to textbook material or class discussion Topic MUST expand on material covered in class Not a theory paper but rather an applied or practial discussion on a specific topic Report MUST be consistent with third year university expetations Introduction section should explain rationale for topic choice Discussion section should explain learning outcomes Minimum five references (excluding textbook) Maximum two URL references Wikipedia or similar sites not acceptable No late paper accepted without medical certificate Cite Your Sources) any question please feel free to ask Thank you