Manage budgets and financial plans

Film: Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and In Wealth. ( Health Disparities and Gender)
September 24, 2020
Interesting Projects to Engage People in Reading Books
September 24, 2020

Manage budgets and financial plans

Manage budgets and financial plans

INSTRUCTIONS NOT FOLLOWED: lt has been revision servel times, unfortunally, the teacher still didn’t satisfy the assessment, please read the blow comments and assessment requirement. please let me know if you need more source for this assessment.
15/3/16 – Refer to previous comments.

15 Feb Revise, complete and resubmit. Part A is acceptable – it covers the contingency plan but does have a lot of superfluous material. Part B (coaching plan) does not seem to be done. Part C requires more work – the data for Q3 & Q4 budgets, the full year figures and actually calculate the variance % and whether F or U. 8 Feb Review, adjust and attach spreadsheet. Part A is to be a contingency plan – and nothing else. Part B is adequate as is (even though it contains lots of irrelevant materrial). Part C is generally “on track” – but is to be submitted as an actual spreadsheet – not in Word. 4 Feb – Resubmit as per email
1 Feb Improved but still focused or in the right order – start with the Contingency Plan, then the training plan and the spreadsheet as a separate sheet – which is based on the example provided – and then has ALL the relevant data. 12 Nov. Submit a relevant response!