Main topic provided by lecturer is: Discuss the significance of Globalization in Security Studies

2 Questions
October 5, 2020
Ethnographic Write Up
October 5, 2020

Main topic provided by lecturer is: Discuss the significance of Globalization in Security Studies

Main topic provided by lecturer is: Discuss the significance of Globalization in Security Studies.

Paper details:

My specific subject/topic in this context which I wan’t to focus on is as follows, namely:
The significance of Globalization overview in general and then focus/draw down into one of the main aspects/influences of Globalization, the internet and how this formulated/developed/impacted itself in Iraq from a Terrorism point of view.
Rough outline:
(1) Globilization in general (What it is, general impact and the internet as one of it main subjects relating to international security.
(2) Focus on one aspect, namely the internet communication revolution and terrorism use.
(3) Nuts and bolts of content
– Internet in general in Iraq before invasion
– After 2003 invasion, the Internet and terrorism use developing in Iraq
– The internet as portal to Jihad – entice, lure, propaganda, ect
– Internet – vehicle/operating tool for insurgents
(4)For and against if required.
(5)Drawing it together and summary

Something in that line.

The article that I read and was my main focus I have attached and is called, “Main report – Global diffusion of the internet and Societal impact”.