spend analysis for Iowa Elevators.
September 16, 2020
Business Proposal
September 16, 2020

Looming Crisis

At this stage, we can refer to the problem as looming crisis as the public is continually becoming more informed of the program and how much of the taxpayer’s money the government is spending on it. More importantly, they have also come to realize that there are a lot of bureaucracies surrounding the programmer and thus, rigidity has been one of the hindrances to the effective implementation of the program objectives. To explore the problem deeper, we realize that the feeding program has been strongly associated with the poor rather than an attempt to keep the school children off junk food and thus the effects of obesity and related disorders. We also realize that corruption in the school management has been a key factor, as they let private suppliers supply junk alongside the school meals. Congress, on the other hand, lags behind in policy formulation to curb these tendencies as they benefit from the program through the provision of junk by their companies to the children. There is thus need to intervene and create change through collective decision making and implementation to make the program effective. In this paper, we shall explore the solutions that are available to this problem and their advantages.

The first problem that the program has suffered from is stereotyping where the children will refuse to eat food that is provided in the program and instead purchase cheap junk from the vendors for lunch (Buttenheim, Alderman, and Friedman, 2011). The teachers need to be involved in the process by enabling students to understand that the diet provided by the program is for their own good and the dangers that come with junk and high fat-content foods. More importantly, we learn that there are higher chances that the children are given money by their parents to buy the food. It is important that the parents are also involved in the forum and made aware of the importance of the food that is provided and the dangers that come with junk food. Through this interactive environment, children will thus be comfortable with the diet and make it part of their healthy eating.

The second problem that we also have is the problem of corruption in the school administration (Buttenheim, Alderman, and Friedman, 2011). It is disappointing to note that the people who are placed in charge of the children will prefer to earn the extra money at the expense of the health of a child. This is the highest level of greed that can ever be noted in history and thus, there is a need for strong punishments to be imposed on such characters. More importantly, the imposition of long jail sentences and large bails will necessitate the need for then to reform or at least leave their jobs to the competent people we have in the societies. With the ever increasing numbers suffering from obesity and related disorders, the last thing we need is s teacher who allows and encourages the children to go for the high fat content ice cream and yoghurt. This tendency should be shunned, and appropriate action taken to curb the vice.

Congress is also a major problem that should be addressed at least if they do not address the problem by solving it once and for all. Congress should set up laws that are aimed at regulating the food that is supplied by the private companies to these schools. The only way to do this is by categorizing the food they provides either fruits only. If they do not adhere to these regulations punitive measures should be put in place and probably if that is not enough, complete shutdown of operations should follow. Corrupt school administrators should be jailed for longer terms and punitive measures put in place so that in the event that one is caught engaging in corrupt practices, there is no chance for them to survive the storm. They should be jailed, and a fine imposed to set an example for the rest.

Integration of healthy eating to the school curriculum is also an important move that would see an end to the looming crisis. We realize that the need to educate the children on the most appropriate feeding habits is a core subject on their lives. This will end the war as they all want to live healthy lives. This will reduce the 20% of teenagers who die from eating disorders due to lack of medical help by making them aware of the dangers, symptoms as well as the best approach to handle such matters. The curriculum has skewed towards the work sector and neglected the vital health sector despite being a very important and integral part of the labor force. We should thus incorporate healthy eating into the curriculum as a major ay to fight the crisis.

Some of the advantages that accrue to the various measures that we have put across in this essay include quality health for our little brothers and sisters (Buttenheim, Alderman, and Friedman, 2011). We understand that there is a need for them to adopt a healthy lifestyle for the sake of the next generation. This will enable them to live longer and be there to work for this prosperous nation. According to (Meyers, Sampson, Weitzman, Rogers, and Kayne, 1989), a healthy life for all people would reflect low mortality and more production stimulating economic growth and thus less expenditure on the heath sector. The growth would also be reflected to other regions and areas enabling the people to live more successful lives and enjoy the fruits tat accrue to adequacy in government spending.

Fighting the effects of corruption would be piecemeal to eradicating corruption in many other areas (Meyers, Sampson, Weitzman, Rogers, and Kayne, 1989). This would in turn give chance to those who have the ability to make things work and indiscriminately give them a chance to showcase their talents. We also realize that obesity and eating disorders would be part of the American history, where most of the citizens would be free of obesity and eating disorders that in the modern day, have posed a threat to the livelihood of the local people completely.

In conclusion, it is important that these solutions are adopted for the larger good. Continued awareness among the public is key to the success of the goals and more importantly, it is enough power to lobby for the rights in congress. The public being the taxpayers should call upon their representatives and raise these concerns and thus, stand a chance to make a difference in the lives of their children