CIVIL ENGINEERING related research topic
November 15, 2019
Christian charity PP reflection
November 15, 2019



Write an 1000 word essay that includes
the following:
➢ The results of your Evauluate Your
Lifestyle assessment and the areas that
would like to improve. Pick one
specific habit that will be the focus of
your behavior change plan. (1 point). (my focus is on exercise)
➢ A discussion as to how each of the
dimensions of wellness are negatively
impacted by the bad habit. (6 points) (physical, emotional, interpersonal, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, cultural, financial, occupational) (Wellness dimensions)
➢ Monitor the bad habit (target behavior)
for a week. Create a log/chart (see
Chapter 1 for example) detailing when
you engage in the bad habit and the
patterns to the negative health
behavior. (10 points)
➢ Provide a brief description of the
Transtheoretical Model and each stage
of change. Identify your specific “stage
of change”.
(5 points)
➢ Construct a contract (see example in
Chapter 1) of clearly stated (minimum
of 3) goals that demonstrates use of the
SMART principles for goal setting.
Include rewards (minimum of 3) for
each outlined goals (6 points)

Persuasive ( Biased) The writer has a pre-determined bias toward one side of an issue’ the purpose of the essay is to convince the reader to also favor that side of the issue. Main ideas and supporting details will strengthen the writers point-of-view on that issue, and the conclusion will reinforce the bias.