Lifespan Development
Search a database for a peer-reviewed empirical article.
The article must be focused on an aspect from lifespan development. It can include a particular
theory from the course and/or a focus on a particular area of development (i.e. child, adolescent,
adulthood, etc.). The article can reflect something of your interests with a connection to
development. Your submission should include these four things:
1. Summary of research study (5 points)
a. What were they looking for?
b. What particular area of development were they studying?
c. What is already known about this particular area?
2. What did they find? (5 points)
a. No need for statistics
b. Did they support their hypothesis/research questions?
3. How did this contribute, or not, to this particular field of study? (5 points)
4. Reflection and grammar (including APA style) (5 points)