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College 100
Assignment #5 ? Library Navigation
In this assignment, you are beginning the exciting stage of researching and gathering resources for your final paper in the course. Additionally, your work performed for the Library Navigation assignment will help you prepare for the two assignments in Week 5. Before beginning this assignment, please read through this week?s Lesson, including the Reading and Resources section of Week 4 Lessons.
For this assignment, you will be completing several steps that will help you in navigating through the APUS Online Library and its vast resources, in searching for and locating resources for your final paper, and in creating the reference page entries following proper APA formatting for your chosen sources. Begin preparing for your assignment by watching brief videos created by the APUS Online Library to assist you in locating trustworthy resources. Then, you will use the information you learned from the videos to identify, analyze, and synthesize your research.
Visit the COLL 100 Course Guide at http://apus.campusguides.com/COLL100. On the Home page of the site locate and click on the ?library tour? inside the ?Welcome to the COLL100 Course Guide!? box. View all five videos ? ?Start here!?, ?Articles?, ?eBooks?, ?Websites?, and ?Library Help? and address the questions for the assignment. Scripts are available for each video under the ?Need a transcript?? section of the web page.
After review of the library tour videos please use this template to answer the following five questions:
1. Watch the ?Start here!? video first then, based on what you learned from the video, explain the deep web.
2. After viewing the second video, "Articles", using the databases in the Library, find and review one article that you plan to use for your final paper. Then, address the following:
Include the reference page entry for the article. Please follow the proper APA formatting for this. A journal article reference page entry should follow the example or a similar format. For more examples regarding APA formatting for online sources such as articles, please view the Purdue OWL and the APUS ePress APA Style Guide. Scroll to the bottom of this page to locate citation examples.
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication).Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range. doi: number
3. After viewing the third video, "eBooks", find one eBook, chapter, or selection of an eBook that you plan to incorporate into your final paper.
Include the reference page entry for the eBook. Please follow the proper formatting. A book should follow the example below. For more examples regarding APA formatting for online sources such as articles, please view the Purdue OWL and scroll down to the section on eBooks.
Author, A. A. (Year of publication).Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Retrieved from http://www.website.com
4. After viewing the fourth video, "Websites", use a course guide or iSeek to locate a website that you will use for your final paper.
Include the reference page entry for the website that you have located, following the proper format:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of document. Retrieved from http://Web address
5. Finally, after viewing the final video, ?Library Help?, explain how you can ask a question if you have one while using the library.
Once you have completed these questions please save the Library Navigation Template with your answers to your computer or mobile device. Please name your file: YourLastName_LibraryNavigation.doc or .docx
After saving your document please upload and submit your work.
Part of your educational journey in college is to declare a major; the program and subject you want to study during your time at APUS. Just as each program has specified courses for you to take in order to become proficient in your field, each program adheres to a particular format style of writing. Groups of professions and fields have adopted pre-existing styles of writing. Those going into fields connected to English utilize one format and style of writing in order for all those that work in the field writes, cites, and publishes the material in the same way. This standard is true for those in medical fields, in science, in history, and for all the professions.
During Week 5 we have explored ?Writing to the Code? in our readings, our lesson, and in the forums. From our lessons you have become aware there are different format styles for writing such as APA, MLA, and Chicago for example. In College 100 we introduce you to the APA (American Psychological Association) format style of writing and have adopt this standard for page formatting, writing format, and citation and references. In your next set of courses you may find yourself using one style of format writing in one class and another in a different class. This is due to that subject being aligned with a particular program of study and profession. As you read published works from various fields of study in those classes you will begin to recognize the formatting style of writing utilized in articles and studies for certain fields.
For this assignment you will learn which format style your intended profession has adopted in order to recognize the standard in your field as well as to begin learning that style of writing and other format standards to be successful in your APUS classes.
? Identify your declared major/program of study.
? Go to the APUS Online Library page Style Guides at APUS. If you are taken to a log in screen use your student ID to enter the page or click the Library link on the left hand side navigation tool bar in the classroom then go back to the Style Guide link.
? Review the Style Guides at APUS page and locate your program and the style adopted by your field of study.
? Investigate the Style Guide for your program and determine a few similarities and differences (if any) between that format style of writing and APA - the style you are being introduced to in College 100.
In the Submission Text box for the assignment please do the following:
? State your declared major/program of study.
? State the Style Guide used for your field of study.
? List one difference you can find between APA and the format style for your program. If you will be using APA in your field of study, share one new formatting fact you learned about APA style.
Second question
In this assignment you will create a Title Page and Reference Page using a template provided in this section of the class.
As you know, the first step to creating any properly formatted paper is to create a title page. A title page is the first page your readers will see. The reference page is the last item your readers see. This page provides the sources used to support your paper. It is very important this page be formatted correctly for both your citation acknowledging another author's work and for your reader to be able to locate the original source for further exploration on the topic.
(I have attached the file for library navigation to for you to do also)
In Week 4 you completed a Library Navigation assignment to help you locate, review, and create the citations for reference sources for your final paper. This week you are to build upon those sources adding any new resources you plan to use in your final paper and develop your reference page.
Before starting this assignment, please review the ?Basics of APA Style Tutorial? video, the ?APA Format Citations-Sixth (6th) Edition? video, as well as the ?How to Format a Reference Page? PowerPoint provided in the Week 5 Lesson section of the classroom.
If you have a question about the assignment, please ask your class Professor before uploading your submission.
For the Title Page
Click the link Final Paper Template, open the file, then save the paper template to your desktop or mobile device. Complete the title page and include the Running head, the title of your final paper, and your name, class name, university name, and instructor?s name. A traditional APA 6th edition title page would not include your class, university, or instructor?s names however these are included for our purposes in College 100.
For the Reference Page
With the Final Paper Template you are utilizing for the first part of this assignment, the Title Page, create a second page. On this second page, which will become the last page(s) of your final paper, create an APA 6th edition reference page following the format illustrated in the Week 5 Lesson. Place each of the references you plan to use for your final paper in the document. List at least three references in the reference page utilizing the sources located using the Library Navigation assignment from Week 4 and any additional references you have found for your paper.
Align the reference citations using APA 6th edition format, checking for correct formatting based on the Lesson information provided to you, list in alphabetical order, apply the same text font and style (Times New 12 point), double space all text in your document, and use hanging indents for the individual citations.
Once you have created your APA 6th edition Title Page and the Reference Page following the template and utilizing what you learned in the Lessons for Week 5 on APA formatting, click File/Save As on your computer. Rename the document as the following: Lastname_finalpaper.doc. In place of ?Lastname? insert your own last name and then re-save. You will use this document for this and two other assignments and as such please ensure you can easily locate the file on your computer or mobile device.
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