Anti feminist backlash in the context of the HandMaids Tale.
October 17, 2020
You take your food culture with you and you are where you’ve been……
October 17, 2020

Leitmotif (theme song)

A. Select your leitmotif (theme song).

1. Pick a selection of music that could be considered your leitmotif – your “theme song.” It can be of any style, and from any time period. Listen through this work several times without interruption.

2. Make sure you tell me title and author of the work (example: My leitmotif is “Raiders March” from Raiders of the Lost Ark by John Williams).

3. Please explain why this music is your leitmotif. You may choose to reference historical, cultural, social or personal events that relate to your selection. You may discuss your emotional reaction to the music. It is up to you.

4. While writing this paper, use at least four terms from the Terminological Starter (in your syllabus) in a way shows you understand the meaning of the term. You may use more than four terms, but what you write must make sense – both to the music, and the term.

C. Provide a bibliography.

1. Use this guide for your bibliography:

Composer Last Name, Composer First Name. “Title of Work.” Larger work. Type of media (CD, mp3, tape, etc.). City of copyright holder: Name of copyright holder. Copyright date. . Date website was accessed.


Williams, John. “Raiders March.” Raiders of the Lost Ark. Boston Pops, John Williams, conductor. CD. New York: Sony BMG Music Entertainment, 1991.

2. For more information on how to write a bibliography, you may access: or


• Double-spaced, minimum of 500 words, with proper grammar.

• Remember to speak and use musical terms in a way that makes sense to both the music and the terminology.

• If you quote (directly or indirectly) any outside source, you MUST cite this. I will not accept papers without a bibliography.

• Please submit this paper either by handing it to me or by using the Drop Box on Springboard listed as “Paper One.” Please transmit using Microsoft Word, pdf or Pages. I cannot read Word Perfect documents.


• Write your own paper. I want to know YOUR ideas and analysis.

• Use college-level language. Casual speech, “text” speech, improper punctuation, typographical errors and swearing will deduct points from your overall grade.


• Plagiarize. Please refer to the syllabus for The University of Akron policy on plagiarism.

A complete, well-written, thoughtful paper that is submitted on time will receive full credit. Late papers will be accepted; however, any paper that misses the deadline will be deducted 1/2 grade per calendar day they are late. PLEASE TURN IN LATE PAPERS. It is better to receive an “F” for a paper (giving you the ability to make it up with extra credit) than a “Zero” (which gives you no points and makes you ineligible to receive extra credit).