What is the null hypothesis
July 3, 2020
Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-
July 3, 2020

Leisure and touris

You work for a large Hotel based in Bournemouth, which has recently conducted an investigation into customer opinions via a questionnaire (See Appendix 1 for the statistical results). In a typical year the number of customers to the Hotel would be approximately 8,000. The investigation was carried out by asking 500 customers to complete the questionnaire over a two-week period in the middle of August. The manager of the Hotel also wishes to make use of some recently produced regional economic data in order to consider future growth programming. These are given in Appendix 2.

1) Analyse and evaluate the results set out in Appendix 1 and give your recommendations as to what could be done in relation to customer satisfaction.

2) Examine the economic data given in Appendix 2 and comment on how they might impact on any development plans the Hotel might be considering in the medium term