legalize marijuana for recreational use and tax it

CRE continuation (RLT1 Task 2)
August 6, 2020
there is five topics to choose from in the instruction part
August 6, 2020

legalize marijuana for recreational use and tax it

Is there any justice? Report critiquing legislation. Plenty of people complain about their state legislators, but few are
specific about their complaints. Heres your chance.
Your task: Write a long formal report about a law that you believe should not have been enacted or that should be
enacted. Be objective. Write the report using specific facts to support your beliefs. Reach conclusions and offer a
recommendation at the end of the report. As a final step, send a copy of the report to an appropriate state official or
Your audience: Your legislators (House and Senate). Write to the Representative in the District in which you live, as well
as the state senators, regardless of whether you are a Florida or U.S. citizen.
Beginning questions: Who are your legislators? What law do you want to see changed and why? If you dont want to
change a law, what law you want implemented and why? What is the status of the topic in the House and Senate? Has
anyone presented a bill on the type of law you want implemented or changed? What do your legislators think about this
topic? Do they have any motivations for or objections against this topic?
Range of paper: If the topic is currently being discussed in the legislature, then you will need to chose a different law.
Type of law: Federal or statePalm Beach State College
Course Syllabus Classroom Courses
Type of report: Unsolicited proposal (follow sample on pages 400-413 of textbook)
Length of report: 7-10 single spaced pages
Number of sources: No less than 7 credible sources
Language: Persuasive and objective
1. Font 12 Times New Roman (Bold and Capitalization as shown in sample beginning on p. 400)
2. Margins One (1) inch, except as shown on pp. 400 and 404 (2 inches from top of page)
3. Page Numbers No page numbers on Title, Memorandum (letter), Contents, Executive Summary, and Introduction
pages; lower case Arabic on contents and executive summary pages centered on bottom at .5 margin; Roman numeral
on upper right corner on remainder of pages at .5 margin.
4. Citations Pursuant to RESEARCH MATTERS.
5. Evaluation and Analysis Pursuant to RESEARCH MATTERS.
6. I Language Prohibited, except as shown in last two paragraphs of memorandum on p. 401.
7. Call to Action Must have contact information (different than sample on p. 401).
8. Tone Thank you instead of Thanks in memorandum sample on p. 401.
9. Clich Avoid (change Herculean in second to last paragraph on memorandum sample on p. 401)
10. Word Choice Use correct instead of right, if applicable, in second paragraph on memorandum sample on p. 401.
Avoid real last paragraph of sample memorandum on p. 401.
11. Paragraphs Eight (8) lines maximum. Analytical paragraphs are required before and after every list and illustration.
12. Figures As shown in sample on pp. 405-406. Analytical paragraphs are required before and after every figure
(change from textbook).
13. Lists Analytical paragraphs are required before and after every list (change from textbook).
14. Quotes Limited in business communication. Analytical paragraphs are required before and after every quote.
15. Spacing As shown in sample on pp. 400-413.
16. Introduction Four (4) paragraph minimum. First paragraph states the problem. Second paragraph summarizes the
problem. Third paragraph states the purpose of the proposal. Fourth paragraph states the research process.
17. Executive Summary States and summarizes the problem; states why a solution is necessary; summarizes the
solutions; states reasons for these solutions.
18. Documents Executive Summary, Memorandum (letter), and Report Body are separate documents, despite one
submission. Each can be read separately from the other, so each must clearly state the problem and solutions in
different ways.
19. Abbreviations On first reference in each separate document, full form of word(s) must be used. The abbreviation
must be put in parenthesis immediately next to the first reference and used consistently throughout each document.
20. Direct Method The direct method must be used as this is a solicited proposal. All phrasing must be direct and
21. APA Format Use REFERENCES instead of WORKS CITED. In Word program, change style to APA (under
References tab).
22. Length Expected 7-10 pages of body single spaced. Title, Executive Summary, Contents, and Reference pages are
not included in required length. Business Writing is complete, rather than a given length.
23. Group work While class discussion and research may be done in groups, all proposals must be written and
submitted individually. Because each student thinks and writes differently than others, written work will be unique.
24. Submission Research project must be submitted as a Word 2007 (or earlier) document via Email and hard copy.
25. Errors Only one (1) minor error per page is allowed. No other errors allowed.
26. Minor error Defined as comma or spacing.Palm Beach State College
Course Syllabus Classroom Courses
27. Word program Students must be familiar with how to use Word.
28. Title page must have appropriate audience, rather than professors name. Prepared for and prepared by sections
are in four (4) line format. Prepared by must follow this format:
Prepared by
Student Name, Student
Palm Beach State College
Bachelors of Applied Science Program