Legalities of creating and staffing the new position for which you developed the concept map in the above step

Radiology technician
July 4, 2020
Developmental Analysis Instructions
July 4, 2020

Legalities of creating and staffing the new position for which you developed the concept map in the above step

As a human resources director for a mid-sized company, you have been asked to create and staff a new position in the company. In this assignment, you will analyze the legalities of creating this new position and propose ways to mitigate the potential legal issues surrounding the filling of the position. Create a position, based on the creative position. Do the following assignment.

2) Use the concept map generator linked to the Task Analysis media piece to create a basic concept map of a new position in a mid-sized company.

3) Write a paper of 750-1,000 words that analyzes some of the legalities of creating and staffing the new position for which you developed the concept map in the above step. Include the following in the analysis:

A description of the legal considerations surrounding the creation of the job description for the position
A description of the legal considerations surrounding the compensation offered A statement describing legally and ethically acceptable strategies for mitigation against potential legal claims surrounding the filling of the position


No internet sources

4-scholarly research references

Plagiarism free

Need introduction and conclusion

Need 750-1000 words