Learning and Memory Worksheet

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Learning and Memory Worksheet

University of Phoenix Material

Learning and Memory Worksheet

1. Write a 450- to 700-word essay to describe the relationship between classical and operant conditioning. Explain their elements and how they differ from one another. Additionally, provide an example for how learning can occur through each mode of conditioning. Explain how Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner contributed to the study of learning and conditioning.

2. Match the correct type of memory with its respective function.

Type of memory Function
A.  Sensory memory ______ Memory for responses and actions
B.  Short-term memory ______ Memory for storing basic worldly knowledge
C.  Long-term memory ______ Memory for incoming information from the senses
D.  Procedural memory ______ Autobiographical memory of personal experiences
E.  Declarative memory ______ Memory system that holds information for a short amount of time
F.  Semantic memory ______ Memory system for permanent storage
G.  Episodic memory ______ Memory that holds general factual information