leadership Self- Reflection: “Why should anyone be lead by you?”

June 10, 2020
It is a Strategic research Analysis, about Ajmal Perfumes and The Perfume industry in the region (United Arab Emirates and the gulf),
June 10, 2020

leadership Self- Reflection: “Why should anyone be lead by you?”

leadership Self- Reflection: “Why should anyone be lead by you?”

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Self- Reflection: “Why should anyone be lead by you?”
There is much written about leadership, but what makes an effective leader is still hotly debated.
Many theories and formulas for effective leadership have become discredited. It can be said that leadership is more about the journey than the final destination.

Drawing from your own experience and appropriate academic resources, explain how you will develop your leadership capacity to be an effective leader and develop an action plan.

NOTE: reflection is not a statement of what happened, but must include information on
feelings and ideas and learning experiences. Draw on the reflective journal that you have kept to identify skills and deficiencies that you [and myself – the teacher] have identified and how your thinking about leadership has changed throughout the semester.