Leadership Reflection Journal 1 Academic Essay

Leadership Reflection Journal 1 Academic Essay

During weeks one, two, three and six, you will write leadership learning journals. Each journal should include direct references to the course readings and materials and should be a minimum of 1-2 double spaced pages. When reflecting on your learning in the previous week (s), please be sure to consider the in-person and Blackboard discussions, course readings & presentations, class activities and self-assessments.
For full credit, each journal must give a detailed response to the specific leadership focus related to that week’s journal. For example, in the first leadership journal, you must take the Leadership Self-Assessment and reflect on the results. In the second leadership journal, you will be asked to reflect on what you learn about your personality profile.
Each journal can be further enhanced by adding these reflections:
• What did I learn about myself as a powerful, leadership communicator?
• How is this information helpful to understanding my progress as a leader?
• What actions do I need to take to further my development as a leader?
• What obstacles do I see that would hinder my development as a leader?
• What strengths do I have that will facilitate my development as a leader and/or help
overcome the obstacles?

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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