Leadership Analysis (What leaders do)

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Leadership Analysis (What leaders do)

Leadership Analysis (What leaders do)Order Description2) Leadership Analysis (30%)
(What leaders do)
o What: Prepare a paper (8 10 pp.) in 12 pt Times Roman, double spaced with
one inch margins on all sides. All references and bibliography must follow APA
o Why: We will be evaluating both academic and personal perspectives of
leadership. Doing this assignment helps you to analyze leadership practices by
researching a personal perspective of a leader you believe was/is extraordinary
and showing how the readings inform your leadership development and
professional experience.
o How: Complete or review the readings, videos, and instructor lectures for weeks
through the week the assignment is due. Select an extraordinary leader that you
would like to learn more about, someone whom you may know and gain access.
Consider individuals who in some ways have made positive contributions to
society, including both men and women. The leader you select may be from any
walk of life (business, the arts, humanities, politics, etc.) Ask for an opportunity to
conduct a phone, email or in-person interview. Consider selecting a person at
your work, a professor or Northeastern community member, anyone who has a
compelling story to tell about leadership. Create a preliminary list of open-ended
questions to ask the person that you are profiling. Conduct the interview with the
person you select.Prepare an analysis of this leader that includes the following information and
connects to our readings and class learning:o Key Events: A short summary of the key events in this leaders life that may
have had an impact on his/her approach to leadership. Note: This is an
analysis not a biography.
o Leadership Approach: Analyze your leader integrating the readings and key
learning from class.Areas that your analysis should include but be limited to:
o How does this leader exemplify effective leadership? Provide specific
evidence for your claims.
o How does this leader demonstrate certain specific leadership practices
or perspectives we covered in our text and readings and discussion?
o How did this leader sustain commitment and build trusting
o What were mistakes or missteps that were valuable lessons about
leadership for this person?