Law of Contracts, Term 2 AssignmentTopic and Instructions

Adolescence in English Literature
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Logistics Management as a Sustainable Differentiator
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Law of Contracts, Term 2 AssignmentTopic and Instructions

Please read this document with care. It has been prepared to help you turn your effort into a good result. It should be read in conjunction with the ‘Guidelines on Essay Writing’ which is on Moodle under the ‘Term 2 Assignment’ toggle.
‘Exclusion Clauses/Consumer Rights’.
NB The assignment question will be available on Moodle on Friday, 26thFebruary at 5.15 pm.
The submission deadline is Sunday 13th March 2016 23:59
Instructions for essay
When you have written your essay please add the text and table below (up to where it says END OF WHAT YOU SHOULD CUT AND PASTE) to the end of your answer – i.e. cut and paste it into the same document as your essay.
Please insert your word count below.
Word count:
Inadequate Adequate Good Very Good Excellent
Structure of the answer, including appropriate use of paragraphs
Clarity of writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling
Explanation of relevant principles of law
Use of relevant cases as authorities
Marks added for accurate use of OSCOLA style of citation (up to 5 marks)
Overall comments:

Mark, including marks added for accurate use of OSCOLA style for referencing in footnotes:

Word limit:1300 words inclusive of footnotes but exclusive of the bibliography
Procedures for submission: The deadline is before midnight, Sunday, 13th March 2016. Submission is to be made on Turnitin on the submission point on the course’s Moodle site. To preserve the anonymity of your essay your name must not appear on your essay.
DO NOT include the question with your answer.
DO NOT use bold font for emphasis of particular words or points.
DO NOT cite a textbook author or a casebook as the source for a case (or statute). Cite the case (or statute) itself.
A bibliography IS REQUIRED for this piece of work.

AVOID quotingverbatim extensively from sources
DO lay out your text with 1.5 line spacing – use ARIAL font size 11.
DO Use OSCOLA style of citation accurately. We will add up to 5 marks for accurate use of OSCOLA.
DO end every footnote with a full stop. If you need to be convinced of this, look at some of the articles you have read so far in this course.
We expect clarity of expression, appropriate language and terminology, structure, helpful use of paragraphs, good grammar and an absence of typographical errors. Subheadings are allowed and may well be helpful in making the structure of your answer clear.
Remember also to argue ‘both ways’ – you must not give a one-sided account of the law; you must not disregard inconvenient or unhelpful cases. Your advice must be realistic (strengths and weaknesses of arguments made must be discussed).