Translational Research
June 8, 2020
It’s Just a Matter of Timing & Whatever Is Necessary!
June 8, 2020



Order Description

• Case names should be highlighted, preferably in italics: Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
• The reference for the relevant law report should be given, preferably in a footnote: [1893] 1 QB 256
• Extracts from judgments should refer to the page or paragraph number: [1893] 1 QB 256, Bowen LJ, at 265E
• A newspaper report is acceptable if no law report reference is available: Potter v Scottish Ministers, The Times, 4 April 2007

Statutory sources
• The short title of the Act of Parliament should be given: ‘The Human Rights Act 1998 (hereafter the Act or the 1998 Act) was passed …’
• Specific sections should be cited: s.10 Human Rights Act 1998; s.1 for section; ss.1 and 2 for sections; s.1(2) for section and sub-section
• If you cite an article from a treaty you can cite it as Art. 1, Article 1 or article 1
• Provide the proper citation for secondary legislation: Prison Rules 1999 (SI (Statutory Instrument SI 1999/728)
Latin words and phrases
• Put Latin words and phrases in italics – inter alia, volenti non fit injuria
• You may use Latin words when referring to previous references (op cit, ibid, supra etc) or you can simply say, see note 4, above or see note 10, below
• Learn to use footnotes for references: ‘… in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
• The superscript number should appear at the end of the particular piece of information or quotation, above, not at the start: ie, not Carlill…