VacayAway Work Breakdown Structure and Project Plan/Network
September 24, 2020
September 24, 2020

Laudato Si – Pope Francis

Laudato Si – Pope Francis

Pope Francis recently sent his shoes to Paris, where the world’s climate change talks are taking place, so that they could be placed among 10,000 other shoes as a witness to the need to take seriously the challenge of climate change. If we do not do this, the Pope said, it is a collective act of suicide. As we have discussed in class, climate change is an urgent political matter, the most important in your lifetime, Please review Laudato Si and, in at six paragraphs, tell me how the Pope understands the challenge of climate change, what has caused it. and what we can do in light of this reality (don’t forget his connection between and impoverished earth and impoverished people). Finally. what will you do to help raise awareness about climate change and to live what the Pope asks for us in encyclical.