Language and Literacy Development on toddlers.

Role Transition Custom Essay
April 1, 2020
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
April 1, 2020

Language and Literacy Development on toddlers.

Language and Literacy Development on toddlers.

1-Describe what encouraging language development would look like at each of these stages of a child’s life: infant, toddler, preschool.
2-In your classroom do you tend to focus on language development with children that you feel have a language/vocab delay? What are strategies you use in your classroom for diverse learners that foster growth and development for all children?
3-How do you as an educator, parent or caregiver encourage children’s language? If you are an educator, do you feel parents are appropriately supporting your student’s language skills and vocabulary? If you are a parent, do you feel teachers and/or caregivers are appropriately supporting your child’s language skills and development? What are your thoughts about prohibitions/discouragements?