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March 10, 2020
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March 10, 2020

lab report essays

I am doing a lab report and I need a really good, clear and concise
introduction for it. Its about 750 words introduction. The aim of this
paper is to determine if purely touching and feeling a fruit can
determine the fruits ripeness level. Gives enough information to
understand the aim and make it logical ending. The aim will be at the
end of the introduction.
My title for the lab report is The Correlation of Tactile Measures for
Banana Ripeness with Instrumental Measures.

Human assessors were asked to feel and touch several bananas to
measure or predict the ripeness level of the fruit. The ripeness of
the bananas was measured later by using the determination of the
alcohol insoluble solids (AIS) chemical lab procedure.

I need the literature papers to be referenced using the Coventry
University Harvard reference style. The link of the references guide
are below: