Lab 1 – Starting out with Access

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Lab 1 – Starting out with Access

Lab 1 – Starting out with Access

For this lab you will need to use Microsoft Access to create and manage your own table of student information.

First, view the following playlist of MS Access tutorial videos:

Parts 1-4 are general introduction, 4-8 handle data entry, and part 9 handles queries.

Parts 10-12 are for forms, which will be in a separate assignment, but feel free to watch these and follow through.

You will then need to complete the following:

Part 1 – Data entry

Create a database with 4 tables: students, faculty, course, and assignments. The following attributes should be present:

students: id, name, address, major, GPA, total credits, email

faculty: id, name, department, office #, phone, title, year_started

course: CRN, name, section, time, building, room #, capacity, students_enrolled

assignment: title, type (exam/quiz/homework/etc…), grade, date_given, due_date, studentid

Each table should also have a unique identifier or “primary key”. Use the autonumber type for this. All other attributes should have types that are appropriate to the data within.

Populate each table with at least 10 rows of information. You may use real examples or make up your own. You should provide examples of data than will return valid queries (do not leave empty fields).

Part 2 – Queries

Create three individual queries. These queries should answer the following questions:

1. List all faculty that are in the College of Business and started working here since 2010.

2. List all courses that are in room 114 during the afternoon (between 12 pm and 6 pm)

3. List all assignments for one particular student (cite a specific student name from your list). Student ID should be a present in the assignments table to accomplish this. You will need to join the assignment and student table to find this information out.

If you do not have MS Access, you may get a free trial at: