Note: Please refer to the GETTING STARTEDmodule to learn how to maneuver through and answer the lab questions using Google Earth ().


Students should know and understand these terms:








Karst landscape


Carbonate rock


Tower karst

Disappearing stream


Water table


After successfully completing this module, you should be able to the following tasks:

· Identify karst features on a topographic map and aerial photo

· Identify land uses associated with karst topography

· Identify components of the groundwater system

· Explain how water enters, flows through, and exits the ground

· Explain how caves and caverns are formed

· Explain how the hydrologic cycle functions

· Identify land uses associated with groundwater


This module examines Karst landscapes and groundwater. Topics include caves, caverns, sinkholes, aquifers, infiltration and groundwater movement. While these topics may appear to be disparate, you will learn how they are inherently related. The modules start with four opening topics, or vignettes, which are found in the accompanying Google Earth file. These vignettes introduce basic concepts karst landscapes and groundwater. Some of the vignettes have animations, videos, or short articles that will provide another perspective or visual explanation for the topic at hand. After reading the vignette and associated links, answer the following questions. Please note that some links might take a while to download based on your Internet speed.

Expandthe INTRODUCTION folder and then select Topic 1: Introduction.

Read Topic 1:Introduction.

Question 1: What human disturbance is evident in both surface and subterranean karst environments?

A. Human dwellings

B. Pollution

C. Agricultural land use

D. Dams for hydroelectric power

Read Topic 2: Karst Landscapes.

Question 2: How are caves and caverns, once underground, now visible on the surface in mature tropical karst environment?

A. A decrease in water levels exposed the caves and caverns

B. Terracing of mountains for agricultural production exposed them

C. Tectonic uplift and weathering and erosion of mountains exposed them

D. Removal of vegetation exposed the caves and caverns

Read Topic 3: Groundwater

Question 3: How does the “ground” (soil, rock, topography) influence groundwater movement? (Check all that apply).

A. The ground can temporarily hold or store the water

B. Groundwater generally conforms to the topography of landscape

C. Soil type affects infiltration rates

D. The ground does not influence groundwater movement

Read Topic 4: Human Interaction.

Question 4: According to the website, what are three methods used to mitigate subsidence? (Check all that apply).

A. Repressuring of wells through aquifers

B. Artificial recharge of aquifers from the land surface

C. Reduction of pumping draft

D. Repressuring of aquifers through wells

Collapse and uncheck INTRODUCTION.

For the rest of this module, you will identify and explain the geographic distribution, patterns, and processes associated with karst processes and groundwater. In doing so, you will recognize and appreciate the impact that these processes and features have on the surface.


Double-click GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, and the select Global Karst Distribution.

Karst environments are found throughout the world, and are found in nearly all climates and locations on earth. Many metropolitan cities are found in these karst landscapes. Moreover, many of these cities also are situated above or near large aquifers that provide water (in the form of groundwater) to the city and surrounding areas.

For Questions 5 to 8, double‑click and check each question to arrive at the city located in a karst environment. To find the associated large aquifer system located beneath or adjacent to the city of interest, select Global Aquifer Distribution and click global map. Fill in the blanks below with the answer:


Associated Aquifer

Question 5

A. Miami

B. Tampa

C. Cairo

D. Paris

A. Gulf Coastal Plains

B. Eastern European

C. Central Asian

D. Western Desert

Question 6

A. Moscow

B. Paris

C. London

D. New York

A. Gulf Coastal Plains

B. Eastern European

C. Central Asian

D. Western Desert

Question 7

A. Cairo

B. Dubai

C. Johannesburg

D. Nairobi

A. Eastern Africa

B. Sahara Basin

C. South Africa

D. Karoo Basin

Question 8

A. Paris

B. Bonn

C. Rome

D. Madrid

A. Southern Europe

B. Germanic Basin

C. Parisian Basin

D. Alpine Aquifer

Collapse and uncheck GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE.


Expand the KARST TOPOGRAPHY folder, and then double‑click and select Dunnellon, Florida.

After the topographic map displays in Google Earth, expand the Feature A folder, and then select both Feature A and Feature A Profile.
Note: You might have to zoom out to clearly see Feature A.

Notice that the contour lines are enclosed and hachured.

Question 9: What do enclosed hachured contour lines topographically represent?

A. Water body

B. Hill top or high point

C. Depression

D. Unsure about exact location of contour

Question 10: What do enclosed contour lines without hachured lines topographically represent?

A. Water body

B. Hill top or high point

C. Depression

D. Unsure about exact location of contour

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