Analyze the intellectual life of Europe from the Early Middle Ages until 1648
June 25, 2020
Cash disbursement budget
June 26, 2020


his is an exercise intended to motivate students to think about adding description to their reporting to provide more depth, meaning and color to their stories. Choose any member of the U.S. House of Representatives or Senate. On the Internet, read a short biography of this person. Spend no more than 15 minutes looking at video, still and other art of this person. Find single video or still image, and spend the rest of the period writing up to three pages (with prescribed formatting) of description of this person and her or his surrounding in the chosen image. Provide the title, circumstances (date, place and any other details of interest) and the website address of the image. Write facts about age, height, weight, hair, clothing, etc., but also describe the person’s mannerisms, voice, gestures, habits and expression. You can quote the person from a video that you see if you think it helps in your description of him or her. In addition, give yourself some license to interpret the person in the description, i.e., comparing him or her to other person or things, remarking on obvious as well as nuanced features of the person. Concider the examples presented in class when deciding on what you might include. Your description should designed to help readers better understand who this person is.