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July 12, 2020
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July 13, 2020

Jane Austen

You will be conducting a research paper that will be due on Friday April 11, 2014. Your research paper should reflect your understanding of how both the Sense & Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice are products of Victorian culture. When composing this piece be sure to touch upon the youth, adulthood, and literary influences of Jane Austen, as she is the author of the two texts that you will be analyzing. In this research paper, you will be required to introduce culture, societal norms, and gender roles within the context of the Victorian Era. Ultimately you will be comparing and contrasting the two texts and their verisimilitude to Victorian Era culture by incorporating the above information while delving into discussion on author’s craft, language, characters – development, foils, symbols, themes and more.
Your final research paper must be 6 – 8 pages in length (not including the works cited page). If it is either over or under you will lose points.
Your research paper must be done using MLA formatting. Your works cited page also needs to be aligned to MLA style referencing. Use Purdue to help you correctly format your works cited references for online academic journals.

Source Materials:
Your research paper must include a variety of quotations and paraphrased material from a minimum 5 resources: 2 peer reviewed articles from IConn, 1 peer reviewed article from JSTOR, 1 print text, and at least one other credible .org/.gov/.edu resource.
Final submission to turnitin.com:
Your final paper will be turned in on turnitin.com before class time on 4/11/14.
Name on this rubric 5 points
6-8 pages in length 5 points
MLA Formatting 10 points
‘s Jane Austen Research Paper Final Score: /180
The writer’s voice is clear/consistent throughout the piece and does not use personal pronouns 10 points
Correct use of spelling / grammar / punctuation / word choice 15 points
Clear introduction/conclusion that indicate the purpose for writing 20 points
Cohesive paragraphs that utilize the point, position, proof method 25 points
Organization and flow – paragraphs present a clear topic and transition seamlessly to the next paragraphs of either similar or dissimilar topics
20 points
Inclusion of at least 5 sources through both quoted and paraphrased material 25 points
Quoted/paraphrased material is introduced and supported well throughout the paper 15 points
Correct citations 10 points
Works cited 10 points
Content is true to the text and historically sound 10 points