It is commonly said that the state has a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. Drawing on our assigned readings from throughout the semester, discuss the role of violence in establishing the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the state in three different national and historical contexts. What are the limits of violence for the state, as well as for its citizenry in revolt? As a follow on to this, please discuss the effects of local and/or mass violence on the formation of social memory in two or more specific and contrasting cases. In relation to specific examples, to what extent can we presume that the memory of violence for either side, whether viewed as legitimate or illegitimate, is a lasting possession of the people (something they know and hold on to) and to what extent may it become a product of the state (an official fiction imposed upon them)?
Your essay should contain specific citations and footnotes to our readings for the evidence you marshal, be well constructed, and be carefully proofread. In constructing your argument you should draw on all of our sources (i.e., cite articles in both of our books and also one or more of the .pdfs. In addition, you may cite the readings you did for the critical review essay, though this is not required). As this essay is constructed as an exam, supplementary information from outside sources will not be well received. Work with what we’ve already been working with.