September 25, 2020
Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy
September 25, 2020


The disease comes about when there is a reduction in the blood flow to the cardiac muscles resulting in the death of the very muscle. The disease is sometimes called coronary heart disease because the blockage or narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries is the reason for ischemia of the cardiac muscles. The coronary muscles may have deposits made of plaque that comes from fats, cholesterol and other unhealthy substances. The deposition is the one that makes the arteries have a narrow or blocked lumen, which compromises supply of blood rich in oxygen to the heart muscle.

Risk Factors for Ischemic Heart Disease

Family history. Individuals who come from families in which coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes are common are likely to get the disease.

Smoking and alcohol intake. People who smoke and indulge in habits of excessive alcohol intake have a great risk of suffering the disease.

Poor nutrition. Unhealthy diets with a lot of fats, salts and cholesterol can predispose an individual to  this fatal disease.

Sedentary lifestyle. People who don’t have regular physical exercises yet they lead a sedentary lifestyle are predisposed not only to this disease, but also to lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension among others.

Sex. Males have an increased risk of getting the disease in comparison to their colleague females.

Signs and Symptoms of Ischemic Heart Disease

Angina pectoris is the most common presentation of the disease. Patients complain of chest tightness when this kind of pain ensues. The pain radiates to other body parts like the left arm and the neck among others. Radiation of pain is more common and severe in females than in males. In addition, shortness of breath and general body weakness and the increased ease of fatigability are also common.

Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease

  1. Doctors play a major role in prescribing the best drugs for treating this deadly disease. The drugs used should focus on treating not only the disease, but also its cause. In the case of hypertension as the causative factors, antihypertensives are the mainstay of the treatment. Examples of antihypertensives are ACE inhibitors and diuretics among many others. Other causes can be identified, and treatment given as appropriate. For instance, anti-diabetic drugs can be used if diabetes is the cause of the disease. Treatment of symptoms is also important. Nitrates can help in treating the angina pain. Cholesterol can be reduced in the blood by using statins, which are effective in lowering the blood cholesterol.
  2. Surgical procedures like coronary artery bypass can be the only solution to the disease. Other procedures include stent placement and angioplasty and minimally invasive heart surgery among others. In the case of very severe disease in such a way that the heart cannot perform anymore; then heart transplantation can be the only option.

Lifestyle modification. Eating diets with less salt and fats can be instrumental in the treatment of the disease. In addition, individuals who have the disease should avoid cholesterol-rich foods. On the same line, doing physical exercise on a regular basis and avoiding excessive alcohol intake in addition to saying no to smoking is key in combating and treating the disease.