Is Security Socially Constructed?

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August 13, 2020
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August 13, 2020

Is Security Socially Constructed?

Topic: Is Security Socially Constructed?

Order Description
The question of the paper is –
Is Security Socially Constructed?

This assessment aims to develop and test a student’s ability to:
– Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of a key topic.
– Formulate a coherent and sustained argument.
– Write in a persuasive and compelling manner.
– Analyse a topic (rather than merely describe it).
– Critically evaluate competing texts and approaches.

I would urge students to ensure their writing: presents a clear argument; is analytical, rather
than descriptive; and, at the top end, demonstrates critical and evaluative skills. The essay
should draw on a theoretical perspective covered in class and empirical examples (if
applicable) to support the argument.

Security studies: an introduction – Williams, Paul c2013 – read chapter constructivism

Security: a new framework for analysis – Buzan, Barry, Wæver, Ole, Wilde, Jaap de 1998 – READ CHAPTER 1

Constructing national interests – Weldes, J. 1996

Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics – Alexander Wendt

The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency, Audience and Context – T. Balzacq 01/06/2005

Securitization and the Construction of Security – M. McDonald 01/12/2008

– You may use whatever relevant books/articles/sources/websites that are reasonable. Above iv’e provided with references that directly link to the question of the essay.