Is oil harming us more than it is benefiting us ?
Students will construct an introduction (250-300 words) that (1) summarizes the discussions about the topic, and based
on the students’ new understanding of the conversations over time, (2) generate a research question that propels
further research. Students will then construct an annotated bibliography. For each of the 6 sources, students will
construct (1) an MLA bibliographic entry, (2) a summary paragraph, and (3) a rhetorical analysis including historical
context. (250-300 words total for both paragraphs).
Project Description/Assignment
Students will create an annotated bibliography consisting of 6 entries of 300 words each on a single topic, 3 published
between 2000-2010 and 3 between 2011-2014. These summaries will include an analysis of the articles’ rhetorical
situation, succinct summary of the ideas contained in the source, and discussion of each article’s historical placement
within the topic’s history.
Students will also compose a topic-centered summary paragraph (250-300 words) which concisely addresses an overview
of the topic, incorporating major keywords and concepts relevant to the topic. Students will also construct a working
thesis about how the conversation regarding the topic has changed over time. As part of the topic-centered summary
paragraph’s overview, students will include relevant paraphrased source material (source’s ideas in students’ own words)
along with citations that meet MLA guidelines. The topic-centered summary paragraph will also include a quote (no more
than 7 words) from one of the sources that adds to the significance of the introduction (no block quotes permitted).
This assignment will be evaluated using the FYC rubric and the Project 1 guidelines.
Writing and Critical Thinking Student Outcomes
Students will:
demonstrate an understanding of the ongoing conversation about their topic (Focus),
concisely summarize an author’s main idea and supporting evidence/details (Focus/Organization),
choose credible and relevant sources (Evidence),
construct a well-structured analysis that addresses synthesis of sources and their connection to the overall conversation
demonstrate an understanding of history as an ongoing conversation (Evidence),
employ active third person point of view (Style),
condense material into clear, succinct entries (Style),
create an annotated bibliography according to MLA guidelines (Format)
Peer Review Student Outcomes
Students will:
assess peers’ summary of sources and synthesis of material (Focus),
assess credibility of peers’ sources (Evidence),
assess progression of ideas in peers’ work (Organization),
assess peers’ adherence to required point of view, active v passive voice, verb tense, shift, and proofreading (Style),
assess adherence to MLA formatting for annotated bibliography (Format).
Genre Conventions: Annotated Bibliography
Purpose: Understand the argument and rhetorical context of scholarly sources in preparation for entering academic
conversations and in making connections and synthesizing these arguments
Audience: Someone who is less knowledgeable about the subject; or, an audience of academic peers
Point of View: Third-person, using active voice
Research Question and Thesis/Focus
The student should focus on evaluating and synthesizing sources, and making connections between sources in order to
generate a research question about a topic.
Role of Research
This project emphasizes that research, like writing, is a process: students will locate 6 academic sources (3 published
between 2000-2010 and 3 between 2011-2014), summarize them critically, and then draw connections among them.
Students will learn from the research how to trace academic conversations over time and that academic conversations
develop in connection with one another.
Role of Peer Review
This project emphasizes providing peer review in accordance with FYC rubric categories and standards. Students will
learn to assess peers’ adherence to conventions associated with academic annotated bibliographies, evaluate outside
sources and their analyses using MLA citations and summaries, and reflect on the quality of summaries/synthesis of
peers’ research.
Writing Process
Early Draft: In preparation for individual conferences with an instructor, students will post a summary of their current
understanding of the topic on a discussion board using Canvas. After receiving feedback/questions for further research
from peers, students will construct a planning draft (timeline displaying source material) which demonstrates their
preliminary understanding of the chosen topic and provides a research question to guide them further.
Intermediate draft: Students will construct a topic-centered summary paragraph (250-300 words) that (1) summarizes the
discussions about the topic based on their new understanding, and (2) generates a research question that propels
further research. Students will then construct an annotated bibliography. For each of the 6 sources, students will
construct (1) MLA bibliographic entry, (2) a summary paragraph, and (3) a rhetorical analysis, including historical
context. (250-300 words total for both paragraphs)
Final Draft: Integrating feedback from instructor and peers, students will construct a revised and polished version of the
intermediate draft. Students will construct a topic-centered summary paragraph (250-300 words) that (1) summarizes the
discussions about the topic based on their new understanding, and (2) generates a research question that propels
further research. Students will then construct an annotated bibliography. For each of the 6 sources, students will
construct (1) MLA bibliographic entry, (2) a summary paragraph, and (3) a rhetorical analysis, including historical
context. (250-300 words total for both paragraphs).