Is Coriolanus a tragic character?
2. Analyze and discuss the role pride plays in Coriolanus. Which characters demonstrate pride? What are the consequences of their pride? What point does the play seem to make about the nature of pride?
3. Analyze Shakespeare’s depiction of Coriolanus’s struggle to be true to himself, his family, and the state of Rome. Does one win out over the others? Which one? What does the struggle suggest about the human condition?
4. Was the dominant ideology in Shakespeare’s own society “left wing” or “right wing,” and how much importance should we attach to that in forming our own interpretation? What is your own interpretation of the play’s ideology?
5. Is Coriolanus best viewed as an innovator, as a traditionalist fighting innovation in Rome, or as the inevitable product of a particular sort of society. Explain the evidence from the play supporting each of these interpretations, and explain which view is most convincing and why.