Order Description
Assessment 2 (50% of marks)
Essay of 2000 words: Is Assisted-suicide’/euthanasia ethical?
Welcome to this Growing Older module.
This module provides the student with an insight into growing older. It examines the political and social context of old age especially given the demographic and health trends predicted for the future. It focuses on older people and the issues they may face that influence their wellbeing and quality of life. For, example, the module will examine how particular events in life can have an impact on an older persons’ wellbeing. The module will explore how old people can stay healthy within the contexts of health and social care and the differences that exist between them
It has a strong focus this year on choices older people have when faced with death. This springs from the current Assisted Dying Bill (2014/15) that is currently being debated in the Lords and the Commons. The student will prepare a group presentation and an essay on the ethics of assisted dying/euthanasia.
Aim and learning outcomes of the Module
1. To explain the changing demographic picture and its impact on the UK and globally.
2. To describe the factors that shape an older person’s wellbeing and quality of life.
3. To explain the health and social care divide.
4. To analyse the political and policy context surrounding older people.
Indicative Reading List
Main Textbook:
Phillips, J., Ajrouch, K., Hillcoat-Nalletamy, S. (2010) Key Concepts in Social Gerontology, London: Sage.
It is advisable to have access to this book as there will be readings from it every week.
As mentioned above, there is a set, main reading for each session which may be accompanied by additional readings set in class. These should be regarded as the minimum and further reading is advisable to expand your knowledge. The recommended texts that are associated with each session should not be regarded as an exhaustive list, feel free to browse the reading list at the end and to use alternative material.
Allen, J. (2008) Older People and Wellbeing, London: Institute for Public Policy Research
Allin, P. (2008) Measuring societal wellbeing’, Economic and Labour Market Review, Vol. 1 (10), pgs 46-52
Johnson, M.L. (2005) The Cambridge Handbook of Age and Ageing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Walker, A. and Hennessy (ed) (2004) Growing Older: Quality of Life in Old Age. Maidenhead: OUP.
DoH. (2001) National service Framework for Older People.London: Dept of Health.
Sumner, K. (2002) Our homes, our lives: Choices in later life arrangements. London: CPA.
Core text:
Phillips, J., Ajrouch, K., Hillcoat-Nalletamy, S. (2010) Key Concepts in Social Gerontology, London: Sage.
Heller, T., Lee-Treweek, G., Katz, J., Stone, J. and Spurr, S (eds.). (2005) Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine.London: Routledge.
General Medical Council
King’s Fund
MIND (mental health)
National Health Service
National Statistics Office