History Detective Assignment Instructions and Rubric
In this assignment you will investigate a controversial event in history and prepare a 3 to 5 page, double spaced paper utilizing the APA, MLA or Chicago style. Research the facts and then review some conspiracy theories or other theories about what happened and why. Determine which theory is most plausible and why. Here is a website to help get you started: http://www.vts.intute.ac.uk/detective/index.html (link opens in same window)
1 Select one of these topics to research
a Investigate the serious problems caused by the population growth in early modern Europe. What were they, what were the consequences, and why did they occur?
b Where did Columbus land and why do we not consider him the first discoverer of America any more? Is that a legitimate change?
c Who was Anne Bolelyn? Did she commit a crime? What was her impact on history?
d Why was Julius Caesar assasinated and who participated in the act?
e Who was DaVinci and what is the significance of the DaVinci Code?
f Did Cardinal Richelieu have the political or religious right to control the nation while Louis XIII grew up?
g Was Peter the Great a tyrant?
h Did Charles I commit a crime resulting in his execution in 1649 in Westminster?
i What caused the Black Plague?
j Was the Spanish Inquistition politically, socially, or religiously motivated?
k Witches were often blamed in this period for human disasters. What were the methods for finding witches, convicting them, and getting confessions?