Investigate how technology is used to support the instructional program of a school or school district

Identify three professionals in your community who have jobs that are relevant to your field of study.
June 9, 2020
The New Zealand Economy
June 9, 2020

Investigate how technology is used to support the instructional program of a school or school district

Investigate how technology is used to support the instructional program of a school or school district

Paper instructions:
Investigate how technology is used to support the instructional program of a school or school district (preferably, but not necessarily your own).. Specifically, collect information relative to the:

• Use of technology in individual classrooms
• Use of technology in computer laboratories
• Integration of technology within the curriculum
• Impact of technology on instructional pedagogy
• Students gains in learning as a result of technology reflected above
• Types of initial and on-going staff development intended to achieve technological integration
• Any other aspect of technology you deem significant

This paper is to be ultimately presented to parents and not written in educational or pedagogy terminology.