introduction to assistant practitioner

Chapter 10 Discussion
June 21, 2020
I need help to explain analogy of INFLUENCE IS TO LEADERSHIP AS EGGS ARE TO AN OMELET” addition to below sentences (70-100 words).
June 22, 2020

introduction to assistant practitioner

introduction to assistant practitioner
please follow the instruction as required
5. An explanation of the key principles practitioners need to understand in order to achieve safe practice in the four new skills identified in your learning contract which directly relate to your Assistant Practitioner role. These principles should include any underlying physiological psychological and/or sociological issues.

(Each skill should be analysed individually -word count 750 each)

6. A conclusion, summarising your achievements and a self-evaluation relating to Competency Portfolio; to include an action plan itemising future learning needs to further develop or enhance skill attainment

Learning Contract

Goal Resources available Evidence of achievement Target date Signatures –
mentor and student
Core: Communication; communicating with a limited range of people on day to day matters
Using oral communication

Written communication

Electronic communication

Using other methods to communicate such as picture and chart
Patient responding positively

Having member of staff and mentor to assess 4/3/2016
Health &Wellbeing: Assessment & Care Planning to meet Health &Wellbeing

Been able to report any significant changes that may affect patient Updating reports/ files

Keeping staff update Safeguarding form

Incident report form

Mentor assessing 7/03/2016
Specialist skills development

Learning to use pentecam equipment Reading relevant information

Seeking training from colleagues with requisite knowledge and experience.
Shadowing colleagues when using equipment
Having colleagues to observe

Having mentor/ manager to observe competences 24/06/2016
Specialist skills development
Learning the types of lens used for cataract procedures
Watching video and reading about types of lens

Observing in theatres procedures Documenting the types of lens used

Meeting with mentor/manager to confirm types of lenses 19/06/2016