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May 27, 2020
Lesson Planning with SIOP
May 27, 2020

intro to religion

intro to religion

1. Compare & Contrast the how Mahmud Ahmadinejad and the Twelvers of Shi’ia Islam, the Temple Mount Faithful of Judaism, and the Christian Zionists propose to pave the way for the Messiah (Mahdi).
Pertinent Videos:
1] Messiah and the Three Faiths of Judaism


2] The Future and the Three Faiths of Judaism


2. What is the Qur’anic Black Box
3. How is Divine Revelation understood in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
Pertinent Videos:
Scripture and the Three Faiths of Judaism


4. How does the life of Matthew and the Gospel of Matthew substantiate the historicity of Jesus, Jesus’ death, Jesus’ resurrection, & Jesus’ divinity?
5. Compare the Abrahamic Religions view God as compared to the Oneness Traditions view God as diagramed in class. You need to explain the diagram. (wil provide powerpoint)
6. Using the Seven Question Method Compare & Contrast Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Pertinent Videos:

1] G-D and the Three Faiths of Judaism


2] Human Nature and the Three Faiths of Judaism


3] Messiah and the Three Faiths of Judaism


4] Divine Rescue and the Three Faiths of Judaism


5] Worldview and the Three Faiths of Judaism
