Company Lay
October 23, 2020
Introduction to the Accounting Cycle
October 23, 2020



Paper instructions:
• Identify one kind of human services organization—for example, mental health provider or foster care provider—and describe the services provided.
• Investigate and describe the three methods of interoperability.
• Discuss how each method of interoperability could be integrated into the selected organization and the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
• For each method, describe the backup plan should technology fail.
• The paper is clear and organized; major points are supported by details, examples, or analysis.
• The tone aligns with the assignment’s purpose and is geared towards the appropriate audience.
• The paper provides relevant and sufficient background on the topic.
• The paper is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.

References that can be used in addition to others…

Burke, L., & Weill, B. (2013). Information technology for the health professions (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Rainer, R. K., Jr., & Cegielski, C. G. (2012). Introduction to information systems: Supporting and transforming business. (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.