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Internship Work Plan
1. As a graduate student in the Public Health Administration Program (MPH) , Assuming you are interning with a hospitals security department, where you will be responsible for evaluating the existing 15 year old onboard training and education material/manuals/policy. Although the employees in this department have been through the onboarding training sessions, they still lack adequate and in-depth understanding and tools needed to effectively be efficient on the job.
Write a detail work plan addressing question A – C and 1-7
2. On a separate page provide a list of five (5) objectives detailing what you wish to learn during this internship.
Background Information
Brief statement of organization’s services and the population served
A. Career Goals
a. What are your career goals?
b. How will the internship help you achieve these goals?
B. Internship Learning Objectives
a. What are the specific objectives you wish to accomplish during this internship?
b. How are these objectives consistent with your career goals?
c. What competencies are addressed by your internship?
C. Orientation and Training
Describe the orientation and training you will receive as preparation for accomplishing your internship assignments. Include a tentative schedule indicating the days, dates, and times for this orientation and training.
Project Plan
The purpose of the Project Plan is for you to create a detailed picture of what projects you plan to do during your 210 hours of internship. Your Project Plan is tied to your learning goals and the competencies that you wish to attain.
For each major project in the work plan, write a brief abstract (up to two concise pages single spaced) describing the key components of the project. Be sure to label each component in the abstract(s).
1. Title of project(s)
2. Problem statement
3. Goals and objectives
4. Methods or project approach, including a timeline
5. Application of project results
6. Evaluation
7. Project schedule
Suggested content of abstract for each project
1) Title of the Project
2) Problem statement
Examples of key questions to address: What is the public health problem that needs to be addressed? Who is the target population? Who is requesting the program? Who is sponsoring/funding the project? Why is the sponsor/funder interested?
3) Goals/objectives
Examples of key questions to address: What is the intervention? What goals and objectives will the project achieve? Goals and objectives must be measurable and specific and answer four key questions: who? What? How much? By when?
4) Methods/project approach
Examples of key questions to address: What tasks need to be accomplished? What resources are needed (computer, data sources, access to organization staff members and community resources)? Who is responsible for each task? When will each task be completed?
5) Application of project results
Examples of key questions to address: Who will benefit from the project? How will the project findings be used? For what purposes? By and for whom? This section speaks to the importance of the project.
6) Project evaluation
Examples of key questions to address: How will you know if you have accomplished the project goals and objectives? Be sure to consider process, outcome, and impact evaluation, where appropriate.
7) Project supervision
Provide a tentative schedule indicating
1) When (days, dates, and times) you will meet in person with your Site Preceptor and b) when (days, dates, and times)